Landscapers Insurance – A Quick Heads Up On Imprelis
As a niche insurance agent insuring many different landscape professionals all across NC and SC, I thought it would be helpful and important to post the latest information regarding the herbicide known as Imprelis. Imprelis is used by many landscapers in our area but has recently been linked to injury to many types of evergreens on lawns and golf courses throughout the Eastern U.S.
Dupont is the manufacturer of Imprelis and they have publicly stated their desire to promptly and fairly resolve problems associated with this product. In fact, you can visit a web site that Dupont set up for to help with this at Dupont has also established a toll free hotline number, 866-796-4783 to make it easier for you to report potential claims. If any of your customers have experienced damage to trees or shrubs due to the use of Imprelis, you should encourage them to contact Dupont through the website or the hotline phone number. In addition, the web site says that by mid August, Dupont will begin a product return and refund procedure so you may want to follow the news for your refunds there.
In light of the information provided by Dupont regarding potential damages posed by the use of Imprelis, you may decide to discontinue it use. Some authorities are recommending that you retain any unused Imprelis product that has been prepared. As mentioned above, the website will help you keep up to date on any product return and refund procedures.
At Clinard Insurance Group, located in lovely Winston Salem, NC, we insure many landscaping companies of all stripes. We work hard to help all landscapers become better informed insurance consumers and that mission extends here to helping them with information that they may not have discovered yet regarding products you may be using. If we can help you with your landscaping insurance needs, please call us, toll free, at 877-687-7557, or visit us on the web at